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What the Case Information Statement means in New Jersey divorces

On Behalf of | Mar 18, 2024 | Divorce And Family Law |

In a New Jersey divorce, a Case Information Statement plays a key role in the legal proceedings. This document provides detailed financial information about both spouses, including income, expenses, assets and liabilities.

The CIS serves as a comprehensive financial snapshot that helps the court make informed decisions regarding alimony, child support and division of marital property.

Financial disclosure

The main purpose of the Case Information Statement is to provide full and accurate financial disclosure to the court. Both spouses must complete a CIS and provide supporting documentation. This might include pay stubs, tax returns, bank statements and asset valuations. This information allows the court to assess each spouse’s financial situation and make fair and equitable decisions regarding financial matters.

Basis for negotiation

The information in the CIS serves as the basis for negotiation between the spouses. By reviewing each other’s CIS, spouses can identify areas of agreement and disagreement regarding financial issues. Negotiations may involve discussions about alimony, child support, equitable distribution of assets and other financial matters.

Court consideration

In contested divorces, the judge reviews the CIS during hearings or trials. The judge considers the information provided in the CIS and other evidence and testimony when making decisions about financial issues. The accuracy and completeness of the CIS are key, as any discrepancies or inaccuracies could impact the court’s rulings.

Understanding the purpose and significance of the CIS is helpful for anyone navigating divorce proceedings in New Jersey. Divorcing parties must sign the agreement under oath, ensuring the accuracy and truthfulness of the information given.

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